Monday, March 31, 2025
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Studies suggest that someone who continues to fail in their weight loss attempts may in fact be suffering from a food addiction. They do not have a general lack of willpower around food, but are battling a disease, an addiction just like cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. So maybe we need to think again about how to overcome and treat obesity and being overweight in society.

Research seems to indicate that the issue of food addiction is not limited to just those who are overweight, or obese. It is thought that people of normal, healthy weight could, in the same way, also be addicted to food. Scientists believe those individuals, who are not overweight, are just genetically programmed to better handle any excess calories consume. But, as yet, research isn’t conclusive.

Like addictive drugs, foods high in sugars and carbohydrates ensure the brain releases an elevated level of dopamine, which produce a feeling of pleasure. This scenario is not restricted to just carbohydrate-rich foods. Sugar, fat and salt (SFS) are known to be on the top tier of addictive substances that we consume.

Are You Addicted to Food?

When Sugar Fat and Salt are combined, they can create enormous levels of cravings. A classic example is the relatively new concoction developed by the food industry, which is almost guaranteed to hook us. We are talking about salted caramel chocolate. They recently launched Salted Caramel Baileys!!!

By carefully mixing the three most addictive substances together they effortlessly deliver a ‘tsunami’ to the neuron receptors in your brain. Within seconds of the chemical combination arriving in your brain, you hand over control of your eating to a higher level. These three substances, when combined, are as addictive as cocaine, or heroin. They are, legal and easier to purchase. Consequently, you do not need to find a dealer, and you can relax as the government, via taxes, is taking a cut at every level.

It is known that the consumption of junk food and the resulting cravings often lead to the development of a full-blown addiction. This is believed to be the result of highly processed foods triggering the same reward pathways in the brain as drugs.

Food Scientists call it The Bliss point

Adding SFS to food is excellent news to the food industry. These ingredients are guaranteed to drive over-consumption. Additionally, they’re cheap and readily available. So, it maximizes their profit margins! The fact that their shelf life is almost off the scale, is an additional bonus. The food scientists are constantly searching for what is known as the ‘bliss point’.

So, an example of a “blissy food” is pizza. Food scientists have spent years experimenting with the chemical structure of the SFS to enhance their “mouth feel” – the warm, melt-in-the-mouth sensation you get when you bite into your favourite, cheese-stuffed pizza. The entire experience is engineered to hook you. And it will; Pizza, of course, consists almost entirely of sugar, fat and salt. Read more information on Empower Health website.

Is Food Addiction a Thing?

All addictions are the result of you experiencing a big surge, followed by a slump in the production of the ‘reward’ neurotransmitter, dopamine, in the brain. More specifically, increased levels of dopamine create more pleasure and pleasure seeking addiction. In less than half a second, sugar consumption can trigger blood sugar surges that release dopamine.

However, when they are over stimulated, gradually the receptors in the brain become desensitized, so less dopamine is released.  So, over time, just like what happens to a drug addict, those addicted to food will need to consume ever increasing quantities, in order to achieve the same ‘high’.

Not All Foods Are Addictive

Many people ask if all food groups are addictive, and the researchers are still working on the definitive answer to that question. It is true, however, that over consumption, especially of sugar, fat and salt, is the fastest route to addiction. Experts believe this is a result of dopamine released in the brain.

Chocolate contains natural chemicals like encephalin, and the opioid receptors triggered when eating chocolate are similar to those activated by morphine. This explains why some people find it hard, if not impossible, to stop, after eating just one square of chocolate. It’s all about brain food addiction!

There are, of course, some foods that are more addictive than others, but research shows that the opposite can also be true. Celery and spinach are two examples of healthy foods along with salads that are thought to be non-addictive.

Hunger is triggered in the brain by hormonal signals from ghrelin and leptin among others. It surprises many people that it has absolutely nothing to do with sensations in the stomach. It is a fact that many people eat when they are not happy, feeling alone, or maybe just under the weather. True hunger pangs are seldom experienced.

It is a fact that in the majority of circumstances people have absolutely no idea exactly why they are eating. They may have just had a large dinner, maybe they have had to loosen their belt afterwards. And then someone asks them if they would like a piece of chocolate cake with ice-cream for dessert. As if by magic, and not knowing why, they say yes! It really comes down to dopamine levels in the brain and their subconscious answering this question for them.

There is good news for the overweight; genes can explain why they overeat. It may not be entirely their fault. They just have an overall weakness to food, experiencing elevated cravings and feelings of discomfort when they are deprived. But, just as traditional drug addicts can take control of their responses to stimuli, so can food addicts. It can be reversed, with a little concentration.

Certain people experience an elevated level of craving for certain foods, leading them to feeling depressed when they cannot consume their food of choice. Some people visit the shops on the way home from work. The stock up on chocolate for example, then sit in their car and consume it all ahead of arriving home, ensuring that wrappers etc are discarded to hide their shame.

Stubborn dieters have reported following the identical actions of seasoned alcoholics by purchasing and then hiding food in different locations around the house for future use.

People may feel they can’t stop eating and that their food consumption is out of control. Often they will be aware that they need to take action to reverse the level of obesity and control other health-related issues. Many overweight people that become aware that they are addicted feel overwhelmed that it is out of their control.

If you suffer from food addiction, like other addictions, with some effort, it can be reversed. Just like with alcoholism, the first step is to admit, and face up to the issue that you are addicted. Share the news with close family, and then they can help you. If you are overweight, sign up to a recognised weight-loss programme, one that will give you the support you require. If you invest the time and effort, your addiction can be reversed.

One of the first steps to recovery will be figuring out the triggers for your addiction and understanding what initiates your unwanted behaviour around food. Then you can make sure you avoid them. Seek help, because you need to understand the tools required to go about reversing, or recovering from the addiction.

You may find that for a temporary period you will need to reduce the amount of time you spend with certain friends. Some of them are what we refer to as ‘diet terrorists’. They will lead you down the wrong path, maybe without even being aware of their actions.

Going forward, you will benefit by adopting a more healthy diet. You should slowly reduce your consumption of processed and high carbohydrate foods. Try to incorporate a healthier diet by increasing the quantity of protein and green vegetables you consume. As a result, you will feel better and fuller on much less food.

During the twelve sessions that make up the My Weigh Less Course we will share with you a number of psychology-focused, unique, weight-loss interventions that you can start to use immediately. The medically endorsed treatment is based around 15,000 1:1 clinical hours, working with over a thousand individuals. My Weigh Less delivers a permanent solution. Below we re-confirm three tips for dieters that everyone should be following.

Tip No. 1 – Drink a Glass or Two of Water Before Your Meal!

Tip No. 2 – Eat Your Favorite Foods on the Plate First!

Tip No. 3 – Eat Slowly and Mindfully!

A Permanent Solution to Weight Loss

Are you tired of trying an endless list of diets that just don’t work? Are you becoming weary of your efforts, always resulting in you regaining all the lost weight? Has your approach to dieting made you fear social events?

Are you looking for a Medically Endorsed solution; one based on thousands of hours of experience? Do you dream of finding a ‘Permanent Weight Loss’ treatment? Have you searched on Google in the hope of finding a proven programme? Maybe something that doesn’t involve undertaking a restrictive diet, doing lots of exercise, or having invasive surgery… And no need to buy any “Meal Replacement” products!

Welcome to the evidence-based My Weigh Less Master Class. A proven, psychology focused downloadable weight loss treatment, that delivers Permanent Results. 

The My Weigh Less Course is new and refreshing, incorporating the latest, science-based, behavioural change techniques. It’s also completely based on an approach that has changed the lives of over a thousand people. And now, you can also experience all the benefits, the changes in your life, and your thinking around food from the comfort of your own home. 

If you want to lose weight permanently, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now, but just take ten minutes to read the pages of the My Weigh Less website. After all, you have nothing to lose. 

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