Monday, March 31, 2025
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Does depression cause obesity, or does obesity cause depression? And anyway, does it really matter? Well actually, for someone who has been battling to lose weight for any period of time, it probably matters a lot! Could it be possible that tackling depression could go someway to solving the obesity pandemic? Have we been missing a trick in the weight loss maze….How much more successful are dieting regimes, if the person is in a positive mind-set.

40% of Overweight People are Depressed

Brief research by Martin and Marion Shirran, at the Elite Clinic, seems to indicate a connection between the positive outlook, the lighter mood of a person, and their likelihood of successful weight loss. It was recently published in the Daily Telegraph that over 40% of overweight people in the UK, (US figures are similar) are depressed, and many put their depression down to them being obese. But, maybe researchers were asking the wrong question. What if their obesity was in fact down to them being depressed?

Defining depression has always been a puzzle

Defining depression has always been a puzzle, even for the medical profession. It is, of course, easy to identify a person who is obese; it’s visible for all to see. But what about the depressed person? Many people are depressed, but don’t know it. Others may seem depressed to friends, but really aren’t. It seems that we all have stereotypes of what depression is, but they aren’t always accurate in reality, according to David Engstrom, PhD.

Does the Obesity – Depression Link Exist

Current research leads us to assume that overweight individuals have an elevated risk of suffering from depression. However, whilst the connection between the two conditions is accepted, what is not acknowledged, is what comes first, and why the connection even exists. In fact, the whole ‘Obesity Depression issue raises a number of interesting questions. Consequently, many people, striving to lose weight, ask if overcoming their depression will result in weight loss. Well, Martin and Marion are sure it will help.

Life Changes Following Weight Loss

Martin and Marion have observed many clients, who have lost enormous amounts of weight, and then go on to develop a complete change in their persona. All of a sudden they want to experience different things, and their energy level is through the roof. The Depression, or low mood, has evaporated.

Childhood Obesity and Depression

Yet another contributing factor is that a large percentage of overweight individuals tend to stay at home more. They shun socializing, because of their weight/size. Many also said they feared a worse outcome, should they be admitted to hospital, as an obese person, diagnosed with Corona virus. And, of course, the recent pandemic has further increased the prevalence of obesity.

Could it start in childhood?

Could it start in childhood? It is believed that obesity in children can lead to bullying, and the child not being included in a number of activities. This may manifest itself into the sometimes serious issues around body image. Being obese, regardless of age, is often a factor that contributes to feelings of frustration, sadness, and general depression. Going forward, helping the younger generation understand their feelings, and how they can improve them, may become a part of the solution to childhood obesity.

How interlinked are Obesity and Depression

For instance, obesity might make depression more likely to occur initially, but once depressive symptoms arise, they might compound obesity, by making it harder for the individual to exercise as an example. Belief, and having an elevated level of self-esteem, are often markers for a successful weight loss outcome. However, ensuring the depressed person understands that their Belief drives Behaviour around weight loss, may be a challenge.

So how do you make the change?

So how do you overcome Depression? Well, if you accept that research indicates that depression reduces with every pound of excess weight lost, then starting on a proven weight loss regime should be your first step. At the same time, you should either read a book, or watch some YouTube videos on CBT. As a method of treating depression, it is one of the most successful interventions you can take.

CBT is evidence-based, and also the most researched therapy on the planet. You will very quickly learn the simple, but often life-changing lesson, that Belief always controls Behavior. And when you understand that, you will be well on the way to recovery. Start to live in the present, accept the Life Architecture principle that it is your birth right, to live a happy and fulfilled life, just the same as it is for everyone else.

So how do we start to lose weight in a healthy and permanent way?

There are so many approaches to weight loss. Put Diet, or Weight loss into Google, for example, and you will have over a million referrals, in a heartbeat. We would be naive to say that the My Weigh Less approach is perfect for everyone, or that it can provide you with a 100% guarantee of success. We will not insult your intelligence!

The Gold Standard in Non-Surgical Weight Loss

The My weigh Less treatment package consists of twelve one hour weight loss sessions, with Martin and Marion Shirran. Between them they have accumulated an amazing ten thousand hours of treatment time in the weight loss arena. In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

If you want to lose weight for good, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You do not need to spend any money right now. Just take ten minutes to read the pages of the After all, you have nothing to lose.

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