Monday, March 31, 2025
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So can you really Eat Chocolate and Lose Weight? Well actually, yes you can! Let us share with you some of facts to help you on the road to permanent weight loss.

With over 15,000 hours of 1:1 clinical treatment time working with overweight people, you will be in very good hands. So, firstly, chocolate, in particular the dark variety can have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity. In contrast, insulin resistance is a major contributor to diabetes, which is often a factor in obesity.

Dark chocolate is good for you!

Additionally, US studies have found that consuming dark chocolate may positively affect mental health and mood. For anyone trying to lose weight, or making dietary change, this is very beneficial. To lose weight successfully you must be in your best possible state of mind, with a positive outlook.

According to one study in 13,626 people, those who consumed higher amounts of dark chocolate had 57% lower odds of experiencing depressive symptoms than those who did not.

Research around chocolate surprised us!

We decided to do our own research around the issues of chocolate and reverse eating. Our findings seemed to back up the previous research.

Firstly, just deciding on and ordering your chocolate dessert ahead of ordering your main course, made a considerable difference to a person’s food choices. It seems that just thinking about the pleasures that would be delivered to your brain later affected your choices.

The biggest surprise to us came from a group of people we took out to lunch eight times over a four-week period. We never explained exactly what we were doing; it was kept very informal.

They were given a two-course menu to choose from. During the first two weeks, we invited them to order their dessert after finishing their main course. We monitored and recorded what they ordered and ate, and photographed any food left on their plates afterwards.

Chocolate eaters consumed 40% less calories

For the second, two-week trial, we invited the same group to the same restaurant four times. Then we surprised them. We asked them to order and eat their dessert, (heavy and chocolaty), ahead of ordering and eating their main courses.

The results were staggering! The calorie density of their main courses was sometimes around 40% less than the previous two weeks. Also, something we hadn’t considered, a few of the group declined to order a main course. They reported that they had eaten enough.

So what is it about chocolate?

Chocolate has a special place in our lives, and probably has done since childhood. It is eaten and enjoyed by tens of millions of people every day. Why? It’s uniquely rich, combined with a sweet taste.

In recent years we have even tweaked it further to make it hyper addictive, by adding salt. It’s believed that chocolate has a beneficial effect on ageing and cognitive decline.

Five Reasons You Should Eat more Chocolate

Chocolate has also been linked to lowering cholesterol levels and helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. One study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, suggests that chocolate consumption might help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, also known as “bad cholesterol.”

Chocolate may keep you young; think about the Willy Wonker Chocolate factory. Cognitive function Scientists at Harvard Medical School have suggested that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day could help keep the brain healthy and reduce memory decline in older people.

Results of a lab experiment, published in 2014, indicated that a cocoa extract, called lavado, might reduce or prevent damage to nerve pathways found in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. This extract could help slow symptoms such as cognitive decline.

Bonus Benefit…

Chocolate may help athletes cover more distance while using less oxygen. Findings published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggest that dark chocolate might boost oxygen availability during fitness training.

Researchers who studied cyclists doing time trials in the United Kingdom found that “After eating dark chocolate, the riders used less oxygen when cycling at a moderate pace, and also covered more distance in a two-minute, flat-out, time trial.”

The scientists believe that the success of dark chocolate in this case is that it contains flavanols, known as epicatechins. This enhances the release of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn improves blood flow to the brain. Beetroot juice has a similar effect.

Our Top Five Facts about Chocolate

  1. The buffet experiment: eat, or select backwards to lose weight.
  2. Dark and milk chocolate are different beasts.
  3. Chocolate helps us celebrate and relax.
  4. Chocolate tastes amazing, and it’s good for you.
  5. Chocolate, similar to factor 15 on the beach.

So, how do we start to eat chocolate and lose weight in a healthy and permanent way? 

There are so many approaches to weight loss. If you type “diet”, or “weight loss”, into Google, for example, you will have over a million references, in a heartbeat. We would be naive to say that the My Weigh Less course guarantees 100% success.

The Gold Standard in Non-Surgical Weight Loss

The My weigh Less treatment package consists of twelve one hour weight loss sessions, with Martin and Marion Shirran. Between them they have accumulated ten thousand hours of treatment time in the weight loss arena.

In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

If you want to lose weight for good, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now. Just take ten minutes to read the pages of the website. After all, you have nothing to lose.

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