Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Medals are a symbol of your hard work dedication and accomplishment. Whether earned through military service sports competitions, all other achievements medals hold a deep personal significance. Properly mounting and displaying them preserves the condition and also showcases them in a way that honors your accomplishments. In this guide you can learn everything about Medal Mounting

What do you need to know about medal mounting?

According to experts offering Ribbon mounting service medal mounting is actually a process of attaching medals to a bar or backing allowing them to be neatly displayed. Mounted medals are typically worn on uniforms or displayed in frames. The mounting process helps you protect your medals from damage, keeps them organized and presents them in a professionally visually appealing manner.

How to choose the right mounting method?

Choosing the right mounting method depends on different factors like your personal preference and the type of medals that you have. For military events or ceremonies, you can go coat mounting as it is often the preferred choice. It gives you more polished and formal appearance. For personal displays you can go for swing mounting as it allows for a more traditional and relaxed presentation. At the same time if you plan to wear your medals frequently coat mounting is a recommended element because it provides you more protection and durability. On the flip side if the medals are more a personal enjoyment and display at home swing mounting offers a classic look and can be really easy to achieve.

Caring for your mounted medals

Fingerprints and oil from your skin can tarnish or dull the shine of your metals. When handling them you should try to wear gloves or hold them by the edges. Moisture and heat can damage the ribbons and metals of your metal. You need to store the mounted metals in a temperature controlled environment, preferably in a display case that offers protection from dust and humidity. If your medals become dirty you can use a soft dry cloth to gently wipe them. You must avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can easily scratch the surface. Regularly you need to inspect the medals for signs of wear and tear especially if they are frequently worn. You can check for loose stitching or tarnished metal.

So above all you need to know that medal mounting goes way beyond then just keeping your medals organized and protected is also a way to honor achievements and display them with pride. Whether you go for coat mounting for a formal look or swing mounting for traditional presentation properly mounted medals will last for several years to come.

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