Saturday, February 22, 2025
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People order magazines on behalf of their interest.  Everyone has a different interest; some have history, some have entertainment, and some have current affairs. Christian faith magazine articles are based on the faith of humans in God. Christians always have faith in Jesus, and the faith stories are there in the magazine.

The 20th century was remembered by many events that defined the era: the Spanish flu pandemic, World War I and II, nuclear weapons, nuclear power and space exploration, nationalism, etc. The 20th century has had a huge impact on the world. Several events happened in 20th century historyIt was full of wars, diseases, colonization but also full of revolution and discoveries.

Atomic bomb

In August 1945, during the final point of the Second World War, the US dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bomb blast killed at least 129,000 people and created history as it was the only use of nuclear weapons.

World war I

World War I was the first world war that occurred all over the world. It was the deadliest war in history.  It started on July 28, 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918.

Apollo 11

Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight to land on the moon, and Neil Armstrong was the first human to step on the moon. It was a great moment for the world.

Russian civil war

The Russian Civil War was a inter-party war in the former Russian territory just after the Russian Revolutions of 1917, as many factions fight to determine Russia’s political future.

Spanish flu

The virus was particularly deadly because it triggered a cytokine storm, affecting the stronger immune system of children. It caused death to most human beings; it was the deadliest pandemic that occurred in 2oth century.

Korean War

The Korean War began in 1950. It happened because of the spread of communism during the Cold war.

There is so much more to 20th century history which cannot be told in a single time. 20th century was a curse and blessing at one time.

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